APSCUF-KU President, Mike Gambone's January 30th email to faculty:
An Apology
Recent emails from faculty have expressed shock and dismay at the process we have used to begin a discussion of a vote of no confidence. A number of members have focused specifically on being bypassed by both the APSCUF-KU Executive Committee and myself.
My intent in making the announcement to the faculty as a whole was not to bypass Representative Council, but rather to put relevant issues before the faculty as a whole so that, when the time comes for that body to authorize a vote, their decision will reflect a campus-wide discussion by a membership that is fully informed about all the issues at stake.
There is precedent for this approach. On many occasions in the past, local leadership has communicated directly with the membership on matters of significant importance. This was true with respect to large classes, the Commonalities Document, the straw poll on the tentative agreement, and many other issues. The intent was to provide as much information to as many faculty as possible, and ensure that a wide range of opinions was taken into account before making decisions
At the same time, I have tried to encourage Representative Council to serve its purpose as the link between the senior leadership and the faculty at large. Quite frankly, this process, while successful in many instances, has been problematic during my tenure. I agree that we need to improve an important part of the way the local functions.
Information is the key. I am not sure, for example, how many faculty know that department chairs passed their own vote of no confidence on hiring policy in February 2006. It was not the only matter Chair-net considered. I was not in country at the time, but I have to imagine that the faculty discussed the vote at length. A record of the vote is on our local website at http://www.apscuf.com/kutztown.
To those faculty who believe that I overstepped my authority and violated good practices within the local, I take full responsibility and offer an unqualified apology. For members unhappy with this statement, I offer our own union bylaws as another source of remediation
An Opportunity
Representative David Argall has contacted APSCUF with an offer to help us. He is specifically interested in how legislation might help us solve our current problems at Kutztown University.
I am encouraged by this response. I am glad that someone in authority is willing to recognize the situation on our campus and offer tangible assistance. It is an opportunity to mount a campaign for our school. I have also contacted Senator Mike O’Pake for the same purpose.
We need to articulate these problems and forward them to Harrisburg. To that end, I am asking the APSCUF-KU department representatives to survey their faculty and forward suggestions to the local office. With these in hand, we can make an argument for the additional resources necessary for improved academic programs and working conditions.
Some Ground Rules
A number of faculty have expressed concerns about the meeting on Thursday, 31 January 2008, in the Alumni Auditorium from 3:30 to 5:30.
We informed the local media last week at the Trustees meeting that our discussion will be closed to the press. It is important that faculty be able to express themselves in an open environment. If anyone chooses to speak to reporters afterwards, that is their right.
A number of people have also requested that we alter the format of the meeting so that the faculty can speak in closed session. In order to strike a balance between the offer of a community forum and the needs of the faculty, we are going to compromise. The time period between 3:30 and 4:30 will be set aside for a town meeting. The time period from 4:30 to 5:30 will serve as a closed meeting for faculty only.
During both meetings, we will also be soliciting written comments or questions for those individuals unable to speak during the time allotted.
Mike Gambone
Ok, so here we go...
My name is Harry Potter. I am a student at Kutztown University. I will make my point clear. I have all the confidences in President Cevallos to lead Kutztown U. today and in the future.
First of all:
Let's start with the Union (APSCUF). I'm frankly disgusted with Kutztown's faculty complaining about how difficult they have things. You work in an office. You have heat in the Winter and air conditioning in the Summer and a half-way decent desk and chair. I mean, it not like your working 18 hours a day in a coal mine for 1 dollar...
Many of you work only 32 weeks a year. You teach 3 classes a semester. Those classes meet 3 hours a week. You have an obligation to hold 5 office hours a week. So between your class time (9 hours) and your office hours (5 hours) you work a grand total of 14 hours per week. Now, I know that many of you have to serve on search committees and other committees that might meet for an hour a month and grading papers and what not also takes time so I'll estimate, what...25 hours a week? 25 hours per week for 32 weeks a year with competitive salaries. I can see why you have a lot to complain about.
Every university must grown if they want to remain open and that's exactly what Kutztown is doing. Professors complain that Kutztown is getting too big. I welcome the numbers which bring diversification to the campus. The university's increased size is also enabling more students a chance to even attend an affordable university and receive a degree in some area. From what I've heard, this vote of no confidence is the works of the executive board of KU's branch of APSCUF. Many faculty members have said they didn't vote on a question of no confidence and were astounded when they received an e-mail from Mike Gambone with a 4 page paper on the subject of no confidence in Dr. Cevallos. Gambone's position and "papers" he has distributed through the e-mail system just show his arrogance.
Lastly, I've heard that the annual operating budget for Kutztown University is 100 million dollars. I'm told that 20 million of that goes to actually operating the facilities. The remaining 80 million goes to paying salaries most of which are the faculty.
I just don't see how the faculty has anything to complain about.
Second of all:
Let's talk about the borough of Kutztown. The university has been a part of Kutztown since 1866. Now, I know it wasn't the size it is today... but you've had 141 years to get used to the idea that the school has been growing. I can only imagine how much tax revenue the University and the students that attend it have brought to the borough. Would Mamma's be as popular as it is if not for the students? Would the Tavern be as popular as it is if not for the students? These businesses make there money on these students and probably have for a long long time. Stop trying to stop the growth, because its nothing NEW. And for all of the "problems" that the student's bring with them, downtown main street is still a nice place to go. And I do like the lights that you are adding to main street.
Finally, and lastly...
Yes, the Early Learning Center is a great thing... but the fact is... enrollment is down, costs are up... and the university is a business... a business.... let me repeat that.... a business! President Cevallos is doing his job and if he need's to cut costs to maintain the thriving University or use the money that the ELC costs to operate per year and put that toward another facet of the university, then I applaud him for making sound business decisions.
We also all need to keep in mind that President Cevallos is not a dictator of the University. He must answer to Council of Trustees, the Chancellor and the Board of Governors for PASSHE. All of which have agenda's for growth.
I trust you Dr. Cevallos.
Harry Potter
I believe President Cevallos is a caring man who has done many great things for Kutztown University and the surrounding community.
I believe that the items addressed in APSCUF-KU’s job performance evaluation of President Cevallos (REQUESTED by KU’s Council of Trustees, and submitted at the Council meeting on April 30, 2007) and the current Bill of Particulars spell out serious problems that have NOT been addressed by KU’s administration, an administration ultimately piloted by President Cevallos.
I believe the status quo of “non-response” to these serious problems on the part of KU administration has disheartened many faculty members and Kutztown Borough officials.
I believe Kevin Mahoney’s explanation that this culture of “words-without-meaning” has permeated campus, and caused confusion about when and to whom considering a vote of no confidence was originally announced.
And I believe professor Walt Nott, who I quote here from his comments on the “Save the ELC” petition: “Decisions that impact the entire university community, as well as the greater Berks community, need to made in the open with the informed participation of the community. Openness and participation together form the very essence of democracy and collegiality.”
I applaud Mike Gambone and APSCUF-KU for going public with these concerns. It’s a hard road ahead, and not the easiest path, for sure. But they chose it, I believe, for the greater good of us all.
--a concerned KU alum and Kutztown citizen
It is amazing, after hearing comments at the meeting, how our students do not understand what is happening at KU. Cevallos is clearly not doing his job; look at the vote page – 64% believe he is not so good or poor. Our students are very idealistic and they do not understand that this is about leadership. Furthermore, at the meeting the Latino’s who were present support Cevallos – of course they do. I am sure he asked them to attend. If you notice very few of them actually work at KU.
However, these issues have nothing to do with his color or race. It’s about his leadership and the policies he has implemented at KU and how he is dismissive to people who bring concerns and problems to him. Look at how many grievances have been filed in the past few years. Look at how staff are working out of closets. Look at how KU’s academic ranking has dropped. Look at how the university policy is to simply push students through in order to get their money – to say nothing of academic rigor. Look at how many people of color have left KU due to the environment which is hostile to them. And look at how the university really handles diversity; by saying that they are incorporating it however the results indicate otherwise.
Many times in an organization leadership, and remember Cevallos took on this role, needs to be replaced in order for the organization to move forward. Cevallos has responded to the complaints, its amazing what he is unaware of, and as usual he blames everyone else – just like he blamed the infamous, in his own words, “lame duck” dean Dr. Bernhardt for the ELC closing, who then tried to blame Professor Keys…
Until someone in this organization stands up and says that the policies here have got to change KU will continue its downward spiral.
As a guiding point for the students who write in this blog, PASSHE has stated that they are guiding Cevallos and his decisions. Isn’t that interesting? So now, we as staff members have PASSHE, who are not on campus, telling Cevallos what to do and what not to do, yet the problems still exist? Who is accountable? And, in leadership, if PASSHE is guiding Cevallos why is he still president when he can’t make any correct decisions? Is this rocket science? You have a president who needs PASSHE – located in Harrisburg, to tell him how to handle the university. Doesn’t that sound funny to anyone?
As for the students who support Cevallos, you need to see this man in a different light. Look at his leadership! He has embraced a culture of corruption at this University. Look at how he, Aburto, Hanna, and Pena are Latino; they are all four directly in the power structure of the university. Is this a coincidence? Explain how the provost’s wife got the job at TechPark without it being posted – a high level job. Look at how Cevallos “creates” jobs for his Latino friends when they want to return to the university.
Do you really think that this administration cares about you or the faculty here? You can answer that question yourself by reviewing what is going on at KU. The answers are crystal clear…
To the last poster who tried to create some kind of Latino mafia impression of Dr. Cevallos and his staff, but then stated that his/her opinions had nothing to do with race.....Dr. Hanna is Syrian you dolt. So much for your credibility.
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