Thursday, March 20, 2008

Rep Council Votes to Cancel Vote of No Confidence

APSCUF-KU Representative Council met for its regular meeting today. The Provost, Dr. Carlos Vargas, attended today's meeting to provide the administration's perspective on the pre-spring break meetings with APSCUF-KU Exec and to answer questions. Dr. Vargas reiterated the administration's commitment to change the way things are done at KU and to work more collaboratively with APSCUF-KU. Dr. Vargas talked with Rep Council for about 40-45 minutes (President Cevallos was also invited to Rep Council, but due to previous travel commitments, he was unable to attend).

After Dr. Vargas left, Rep Council members discussed what they wanted to do with vote of no confidence. After substantial discussion, Representative Council voted unanimously to cancel the vote of no confidence as a show of good faith. Rep Council will review progress on the bill of particulars and the summary of initiatives at the October 2008 meeting to ensure there is follow through.

We hope this show of good faith will reinforce our commitment to solve problems collaboratively and proactively.


Anonymous said...

ku-apscuf exec council still pathetic... certainly on one big power trip

Anonymous said...

There is just one little catch here. If these problems that ku-apscuf exec council has identified are not fixed. As well as other problems at ku. Then we want Gambone and the others to quit. Your taking responsibility now fix them. The heat is off the President and now on you all.

Anonymous said...


maybe it's just me but i don't get what anonymous is talking about. just wierd.


Anonymous said...

I think she means that now we have someone else to blame for all the problems at KU. You guys want to share in making decisions right. Share in the blame too.

Anonymous said...

ok...maybe i'm still too new at this (i've only been at KU for a couple of years), but isn't a union supposed to try and solve problems? are you saying that a union should NOT try and be part of a decision-making process? that it would be better to just sit back and do nothing? it's just a strange argument to me.

by "you guys" i assume you meant the Rep Council? or the Exec Committee? Sorry, i'm not one of "those guys." I was just so pleased to see that change is possible and that "those guys" were the ones that helped bring that change?

who knows...maybe anonymous had a better plan and is feeling resentful that we will now--finally!--have some relief from the office space crunch. and that the buildings are going to be healthy...and help for large classes.

but maybe anonymous is's just a power trip. i guess i am not feeling all that resentful. i might actually get to move out of my closet into a proper office. i have been so surprised since i've come to kutztown how pissy people get when someone actually DOES SOMETHING to MAKE THINGS BETTER.

it seems there are a lot of people who would rather complain and feel bad for themselves. power trip or not, at least they didn't just whine and complain (like most people i hear around here)...they did something.

Anonymous said...

Well you may get a bigger office? But I would like to see the proposal on fixing the parking problems and the security problems(a student raped on in the hallway), the issues with the health center not being open at night. To name just a few. Since "you guys" are now making decisions we will come to you and we demand results. Same as you did with the president. If you fail us you must quit.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous: You've been able to make those demands before. That's what Grievances and Meet and Discuss are for. To level already-existing processes as threats sounds positively Horowitzian to me...

--Seth at WCU (sorry, the blog page won't accept what I thought my password was)

Anonymous said...

Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!

Anonymous said...

Hiii. No idea if anyone will see this. Um, I am a student at FSU and I was looking up info on Cevallos because I have a problem at the school I potentially need to approach him about. Long story short, I accidentally requested access on Google Drive for access to this "bill of particulars" thing. Please, deny it.